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2023-05-24 10:15 34,484 9


자격증과정반 관심이있어서요
시험은 상시로 보는건가요??(인터넷으로 보나요??)
그리고 재시험도 있나요??
강의듣고 시험보고 리포트다하고 완료하면
자격증은 바로 발급해서 우편으로 보내주나요??
그리고 자격증은 기한이 정해졌나요? 영구인가요??
감사합니다 궁금증이 풀리면 바로 수강하고 싶네요
그리고 마지막으로 지금 할인하던데 언제까지 할인하시나요??


최고관리자님의 댓글

2023-05-26 17:04

Epay It Online님의 댓글

Epay It Online
2024-03-05 15:54
Epay It is a user-friendly online portal designed to simplify the medical bill payment process. It serves as a bridge between patients and healthcare providers, allowing for hassle-free transactions and eliminating the traditional complexities associated with medical billing.

Croxy Proxy님의 댓글

Croxy Proxy
2024-03-15 14:22
Croxy Proxy is a web proxy service that allows users to browse the internet anonymously and securely. It acts as an intermediary between the user's device and the websites they want to access, masking their IP address and encrypting their internet connection. With Croxy Proxy, users can bypass geo-restrictions, access blocked websites, and protect their online privacy. The service is user-friendly and does not require any installation or configuration, making it a convenient choice for individuals seeking a hassle-free way to browse the web securely.

subhanakhtar님의 댓글

2024-03-25 18:52
Zoon Brand Suits combine style and comfort effortlessly, ideal for any occasion. https://www.rivaaj.uk/collections/brand-ramsha

subhanakhtar님의 댓글

2024-04-03 19:38
Wordle's clever design and addictive gameplay make it a standout in the world of word games. https://wordlenytimes.net/

Solitaire님의 댓글

2024-04-21 15:30

PaulaP님의 댓글

2024-05-23 17:25
If you are considering for certification course, I would recommend you take up CyberSecurity Courses as these professionals are highly in demand in both US and Canada. Let me know if you need any help in selecting the course or you may visit this page: https://www.hacker9.com/cybersecurity-courses/

NYTimes Wordle님의 댓글

NYTimes Wordle
2024-05-28 15:46
The acquisition by The New York Times marked a significant milestone in Wordle's journey. It ensured the NYTimes Wordle game's continuity and introduced it to a broader audience through the Times' extensive platform. This move also aligned with the newspaper's strategy to expand its portfolio of digital puzzles, reinforcing its position as a leading source of intellectual entertainment. Visit to Play: https://www.nytimeswordle.net/

Nerdle님의 댓글

2024-06-08 00:41
Various Wordle spinoffs have appeared online and become popular. This has now extended to math and offers a bigger challenge. One of those games is Nerdle.While most people enjoy the letter words guessing game, this will test your mathematical knowledge by guessing equations within six tries. But,
  clues and hits will help you figure out the answer.
To know more visit:: https://www.nerdleunlimited.com/


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